Tooling to translate a book.

To translate a French tabletop rpg, made by Fabien Hildwein, called Sphynx, I am looking for a nice workflow and tools. I want to try to use only Open Source software. Lets see what I need.

tool to write


The 1100+ words book a .docx file. I guess written with Microsoft Word. The author also share with us an export of the book in .PDF. We are three persons working together: two translators and the original author. We are going to convert the document to text. Then, host it. Finally, we will be able to start translating.



  • Create project on GitLab
  • Host GitBook on GitLab
  • Convert from .docx to .md
  • Format the French version to feat GitBook architecture
  • Push the French version
  • Start Translating on a different branch


I may use Wekan [MIT], if we need more organization and a task manager. I think GitLab’s issues will be good enough. We will see.

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